A multi-function desk series created by famous designer Norbert Geelen. Inspired by the grand Stadio Giuseppe Meazza (San Siro), the home of A.C. Milan and Inter Milan, Mr. Geelen created and named the series San_Siro. Moreover, the asymmetric shape of pebble is also one of the inspiration sources of the designer.
Desktop with multiple materials, dimensions and shapes are available, offering perfect solution for office space, meeting & training space, recreation & discussion space, dining space and auditorium, etc.
| DesignerNorbert Geelen
Born in 1968, Norbert Geelen is an accomplished industrial designer in the world who believes that “uniqueness is created by innovation and a different perspective.” After having completed his training as industrial designer at the University of Essen, Norbert Geelen started freelancing at the Italian Studio Mattheo Thun in Milan. Together with his partner Robert Kilders, he founded the design studio bert&bert in 1997. Since 2005, Norbert Geelen has been combing back and forth between his German office in Straelen and his Milan studio. He has specialized in furniture design, mainly high-quality seating and tables. He has been working with Kusch+Co since 2007.