More often than not, one simple sentence, or just a few words, gives the true answer to everything: the seemingly trivia things may trigger illumination——this is what we call, lnspire. But to be inspired, you have to make enough room inyour head. lf you are sitting in a visual desert with only black, white and greycolors, your inspirations will be killed there.Employee’sefficiency=creativity x inspiration x passion. Our mission is tocreate a space for everything to happen, the Office.
What makes 21stcentury so unique is the information explosion. lt has never seen so easy to retrieve a large amount of information. Working should not berestricted by space, and office has been enriched with diverse elements. Working is now a spirit, a style, and more specifically, a lifestyle.
One’ s lifestyle is his faith, his label, his determination. Similarly, office is not a place rented for business. lt is a personal symbol representing comfort, influential power and attraction. More importantly, it represents the process of lnspiring.
This is our product and belief: Inspiring office lifestyle!

A number of national and international policies have set out clear requirements for ecological sustainability.
As a pioneering brand in the industry, MATSU activelyresponds to the national goal of double carbon,
ecological protection and sustainable development, and practices "sustainable development" from the cultural concept,
design and innovation, manufacturing and marketing, especially in the "Nomadic Plan"In particular,
the Nomadic Plan is an in-depth promotion of ESG.
The nomads live in a minimalist way on this vast grassland, wasting no resources and pursuing no excess material. They use their faith to maintain the idea ofharmony among heaven, earth, and people. They show their awe for life withaltruism, caring not only for their own families and clans, but also for otherliving beings and the environment, willing to sacrifice for the common good.Together with their yaks, they protect the purity and beauty of this land: theseeds carried by the yak hair are inadvertently sown and trampled into the soilwhen grazing, so that they can root and sprout, instead of being blown away bythe wind and burned by the ultraviolet rays. This unique nomadic culture main-tains a special and subtle ecological balance between the people and animals ofthe Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. They and their yaks are loyal guardians of thegrassland ecology.
Unfortunately, this culture is disappearing... With the rapid development of urbanization and industrialization, the desertification of grassland and the economic difficulties of the nomads, more and more younger generations have tochoose to leave their home. MATSU applied the technique of skin collection tofurniture products, helping the nomads to generate more income, so that theycan stay on the grassland and maintain their nomadic lifestyle. This will be avirtuous cycle of ecological protection: if we can find a sustainable way of protecting the nomads, who always protects nature, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the"water tower” of Asia.

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